Our Incredible Body Is A Temple
December and January have come, and gone. Some of us are now thinking of doing a cleanse to lighten our body and soul, to lift some of the weight of the winter. As we connect with the idea of a cleanse, we connect to the feeling of well-being that we experience when we feel vital and supported by a strong immune system. As it has been said – “Happiness lies, first of all, in Health“.
Our Body Is A Temple
Recently, I was marvelling at the incredible body we live in, our temple, so to speak. Did you know that there are an estimated 100 trillion cells in the human body with another estimated 100 trillion atoms in each cell? Not only that, but there are 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells, not counting all other micro-organisms! In fact, it has been predicted that there are a thousand times more cells in our body than the numbers of stars in the Milky Way.
Now, can you imagine each one of those trillions of cells performing millions of chemical reactions… every second!!! Isn’t this extraordinary that we live in this wise vessel, where each cell not only functions with a clear purpose as an individual, but interacts also with the other cells for the purpose of the whole organism as a community? Everything in this world is truly interconnected.
It seems to me that our human experience is a very humble one, as we live on our earth, in our physical reality. It takes our whole solar system roughly 200-250 million years to orbit once around the Milky Way. In this orbit, we are travelling at a velocity of about 250 km/sec. There is an incredible wisdom at play here. As Einstein said: “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” This reflection leads me to this question: Since we are not in control of the trillions of reactions occurring in every second of our life, are we not at least supporting its process, in our self, but also in our environment upon which we depend?
The New Science of Epigenetics And Psychoneuroimmunology
If we extend this concept to the idea of epigenetics (“above the genes”), it is believed that it is the state of our environment and perceptions that has a major influence on our cells. These wise cells will read the field and in turn, will set on and off our ‘tiny’ 20,000 genes. The latter constitute merely 2 to 3 per cent of our total DNA.
Therefore, what are the influences of our environment, our lifestyle, the food we eat, the thoughts we think? What are the influences of our response to the numerous assaults from our world of today? How does our response to stresses of life, and exposure to endless toxic chemical assaults on a daily basis, can weaken or strengthen our organism and immunity? “It’s the terrain, not the germ.” quoted the “father of microbiology” Louis Pasteur, on his deathbed. To maintain a healthy terrain, milieu or field, one must have proper nutrition and be as free as possible of physical, mental and emotional toxins as would suggest the study of psychoneuroimmunology.
Our body stops getting rid of waste efficiently when overloaded. Then it requires more support, or it will start showing signs of inflammation and impaired immunity: colds and flus, fever, skin and digestive disorders, high blood pressure, chronic illness, nervous conditions, endocrine imbalances and more. Fortunately, our immune system, like the rest of us, is vast and complex. Designed to protect, detoxify and defend from dis-ease and foreign invaders, it can be reactivated to its genius, and empowered, while reestablishing a healthy cellular environment.
“The first Wealth is Health.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
What a better opportunity to start a meal with some beetroot juice, to celebrate our Self and Loved Ones in our lives.
Organic Beet Juice + Pickled Beets
Beetroot, known by the Roman as a natural aphrodisiac, acts as a blood purifier and blood builder, increasing stamina, decreasing blood pressure and balancing hormones. […]
To continue to be inspired on A Sense of Wonder, enjoy this other short film by award winning cinematographer Louie Schwartzberg. It is truly wonderful!
“It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the
― Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder
contemplation of her beauties to know the sense of wonder and humility. ”
And, it is with a true Sense of Wonder and Humility, that I find myself of service in this big picture of life, where to understand our own health, it is often valuable to understand our place in our surroundings, living consciously, with an awareness of our own nature and of the world around, how it affects us and how we, in turn, affect nature and the world.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as a guide and facilitator toward empowerment, helping you in developing the necessary tools and confidence to take your health into your own hands.
Gratitude also for the possibility to share, for each one of you in my life, and for the precious and endless teachings that I receive from each and every one.
We are truly interconnected!
In Health, Love and Joy,
“He who has Health has Hope; and he who has Hope has everything.”
― Arabic Proverb