Winter Solstice is already here, and with it, the sincere desire to express my gratitude to each one of you who have been part of my journey so far. We are all learning from each other, as we are truly interconnected, and my years of practice have taught me humility and perseverance in the most challenging times, which as you know, don’t necessarily pause during the holidays. The reward is to trust, to keep going and to use every single challenge as an opportunity for learning and for growth. Then comes the time to recognize the gifts and to celebrate.
In the same way, the winter solstice has been a time of celebration in our northern hemisphere for the coming of lighter days after the season of cold, darkness and dormancy. It has been celebrated all over the world for thousands of years, in gratitude for the return of the light and for nature’s cycle in renewing itself.
Cicero said of gratitude that it is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. When we experience gratitude, our heart opens and it becomes easier to embrace the moment. No wonder why it is considered to be the secret to love, happiness, health, and success.
Fear disappears, and the adrenal glands and cardiovascular system start to relax. It has a domino effect in our entire organism, which then benefits us with a stronger immune, endocrine, cerebral, nervous, musculoskeletal, lymphatic and digestive systems. As we learn more and more about the effects of our thoughts on our state of well-being, gratitude, in epigenetic science, is also seen as a powerful agent where, it can actually influence how the genes are being expressed.
Thereby, cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” is probably one of the most important aspects of mindfulness today.
As Albert Einstein said: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
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To continue to be inspired on gratitude, enjoy this 6 min. film by award winning cinematographer Louie Schwartzberg. It is truly beautiful!
Therefore, in gratitude for each one of you, and for my family, friends, and community, I want to wish you a Bright Holiday Season and a Wholehearted New year! May we find Love, Peace and Happiness within, and let the gratefulness overflow into blessings all around us!
In Health,
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
― Marcel Proust