Are You Ready For A Better Vision?

“It is the rule that acute diseases of the lungs, stomach, and other parts of the body,

tend to complete recovery, and the same fact is true of the eye.”

~William H. Bates, MD, 1894

The general rate of vision deterioration is accelerating at an alarming pace. Little kids and 35 year old souls would now be suffering from eye damage that was once seen in 75-year-olds. The health of your eyes is related to your entire organism, and so if you are ready for a better vision, I invite you to look at a few factors and solutions from which you can benefit. With tension, we tend to clench our eyes, just like we clench our teeth. When the mind is at rest the eye muscles are relaxed and the eyeballs are allowed to assume their proper shapes and focus. So what can be causing the strains on your eyes? Stress? What kind of stress? Mental, physical, emotional? Well, yes, all of that! In this article of today we will be looking at tools to invigorate your vision. Really, as the eyes are related to your general health, you need remedies to address the root causes of your stresses. It can be meditation, yoga, relaxation techniques, mindfulness, stress counselling, proper use of computers and smart phones as well as self-care and self-love with the proper nourishment.

4 Keys To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

  1. Antioxidants. So it is time to eat food rich in antioxidants (which remove potentially damaging oxidizing agents, called free radicals, to prevent them from damaging genetic material and cellular tissue) and yes… eat your carrots every day. The eyes are major sensory organs, with very tiny capillaries to provide for nutrients and oxygen, and therefore they require very special care. To protect them from oxidation, a good idea is to get most nutrients from the food you eat. This way , you can help in preventing the slow brake down leading to cataracts and macular degeneration. Yes, eating carrots for your vision is not a myth. They contain Vitamin A, a potent ally for vision. Carrots contain lots of beta carotene, Vitamin A, and rhodopsin, a purple pigment that helps you to see in the dark. Fruits like oranges, kiwi, and strawberries, as well as vegetables like broccoli, mustard greens, and peppers, contain antioxidant rich properties and are rich in vitamin C. Another rich antioxidant is the Vitamin E, which abounds in many nuts, mainly in almonds, along with dried apricots and sunflower seeds.
  2. Ginkgo Biloba one of the oldest living species of tree on the planet can improve eye health by increasing blood oxygenation and circulation, repairing oxidation damage to the body.
  3. Carotenoids. Finally, numerous studies have identified some carotenoids: such as lutein and zeaxanthin to be essential components for eye health. They are carotenoid pigments that impart yellow or orange colour to various common foods and herbs such as cantaloupe, carrots, yams, peaches, peas, collards, marigolds, fish, salmon and eggs. Their role in human health, in particular the health of the eye, has been well established and they constitute the main pigments found in the yellow spot of the human retina. They protect the macula from damage by blue light , improve visual acuity and scavenge harmful reactive oxygen species. They have been linked with reduced risk of macular degeneration (AMD) and of cataracts. Astaxanthin, another carotenoid does not appear to accumulate in any one part of the body. Unlike zeaxanthin, it is not thought to protect a specific organ or area. However, astaxanthin easily crosses into the tissues of the eye and could exert its effects safely and better than any of the other known carotenoids, without adverse reactions.It has the ability of improving muscle endurance, sunburn and radiation exposure. Did you know that working for long hours on computers or smart phone with their blue light may eventually affect your night vision? If it is the case, eating food containing carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin or taking a supplement of Astaxanthin, will come to your rescue, while you are also addressing the other root causes.
  4. Finally Sunning. There are many yoga postures for the eyes that can bring relaxation of its muscles to release the lenses and sharpen their acuity. With the warmer season at our doors, I invite you to sit outside on a sunny day facing the sun. Close your eyes and allow the sunlight to fall directly on your eyelids for about 8 minutes. Expose one side of your face at the time, massaging around your exposed eye, starting in the inner corner by little circular movements. Move up to the eyebrows on the inner border of arc bone around the eye, and continue until you return to the start. It is normal to feel sensitive areas. Stay a little longer on those. Do this few times. Do the other side. After the 8 minutes, enjoy the sensations of well-being around the eyes and the improved clarity. (NB: Do not wear any glasses or contact lenses while performing this exercise).

And to familiarise yourself with the yoga of the eyes to counteract the effects of screens:

How to counteract the effects of computer work on vision
Julia Galvin

“When the doors of perception are cleansed
men will see things as they truly are,
~ William Blake

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