“The soul is healed by being with children.” ~ Fyodor Dostoyesky
Though children’s illnesses are unavoidable and often beneficial for their growth, they can cause so many worries…
No matter the story of our lives, we have to remind ourselves of the resilience that our ancestors have endured, so that we can to be here today. Our bodies are truly magnificent and operate in self-healing modes at all times, as it has been the case since our earliest history. And so, it is the same for our children who need our reassurance in these times of vulnerabilities and discomfort. In many cultures and traditions, childhood illnesses were seen as a time of transition, and of growth, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
If you recall from previous blogs, I discussed how we are more bacteria than body cells, and how the key beneficial bacteria start colonizing the digestive tract at birth through the birth canal. Theses beneficial bacteria are important in providing shelter against disease, helping to extract nutrients, building healthy intestinal mucosa, enhancing and preserving the child’s immunity and determining lifelong gut flora makeup. In the same way, childhood illnesses are vitally important in enhancing the immune system for adult life. Most often, they are part a normal phase of development that needs to be supported with the right approach, rather than through the suppression of signs and symptoms. It is the time to resort to long proven medicine such as homeopathy and hydrotherapy as well as the appropriate diet. Their little bodies know how to heal themselves. It’s what bodies have been doing for millions of years! When a child gets ill and has a fever, this is the body’s natural inherent defense system at work, building its resilient white blood cells to combat what ever needs to be fought. Fever is the wise healthy response, to the presence of something foreign or toxic, that the body needs to get rid of.
With attentive nurturing and support for our child’s process during illness, we want to allow the time required for the full recovery, to promote the best health outcome possible. It is a special time which your children may remember forever, for the love, nurturing and gentle care they received. To facilitate their healing, use this time of illness as much as you can, as a “Sacred Time”, to be fully available and present. Hold and gently rock your children, letting them sleep, meditate or dream in peace, and when ready… jump into your pyjamas to cuddle with them in bed. Sing songs together, and tell or read them many, many more fairy tales so that they can be inspired to tap into their own resilience!
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.
If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”~Albert Einstein