Learn “The Language of Your Body”

From a conscious medicine perspective, the body is intelligent and conscious and infinitely helpful, and illness or dis-ease arises from resistance in your energy system. The higher purpose of any symptom is to help you to evolve consciously—to release old blockages, past traumas and negative beliefs, and become your future self. Any disease is a friend and messenger—and potentially a precious gift.

– Gill Edwards, Conscious Medicine (Piatkus, 2010)

Have you ever wished that you had listened to your body sooner? You realized that it has been speaking to you all along but you did not listen or understand what it was trying to say! How many times did I hear that! However, I want you to know, that there is a technology about listening and being a healthy human being, and that every challenge can be turned into an opportunity! I  love sharing with you what I have learned over the last decades.

My experience is that health is an art of living, in harmony with the laws of nature, the self, others and the surrounding world. By understanding the relationships and interconnections between all our parts, systems and functions we can  experience the radiant health that we wish for and deserve. Health is not necessarily a state which is absent of pain or dis-ease, but it can be a harmonious state of learning, adaptation, ease and joy. Remember that any disease can be a friend and messenger—and potentially a precious gift! There are many colours in the spectrum of light, and it is the same in our human experience of life.

If you are curious in learning what can be “True Health” , please join me through a journey of 9 monthly Healing Circles starting this month on September 20th. Through these experiential circles, you will discover the knowledge and wisdom to live with awareness and authenticity

My wishes in offering those circles is to provide you with opportunities for a transformational experience, by acquiring a holistic and integrative understanding on how the human being operates. I hope to take you on a journey of discovery on how to root out the cause of emotional or physical unbalances in your body and how to generate expanding states of well-being and joy. You will learn several tools that shall give you the inspiration, motivation and momentum to turn around those challenges into a powerful vehicle for energy, clarity and purpose, so that you can live the life you love.

The Complete Course On “The Language of Your Body” may change how you approach the relationship to your health and your life forever…

To know more and register quickly as the seats are limited, click here….

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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Continue to be inspired about True Health and Happiness…and the language of our being!

Mirabai Ceiba – Ocean Of My Dreams

“I sail with you on the ocean of my dreams
to a far away distant place
Of great beauty and tranquility
where suffering and pain do not exist

Where we give praises for our joy and happiness
where our love intertwines with a love for all things
Oh my beloved companion of my heart
You have reached out and touched 
the essence of my being

You have shown me the way
Your love has awakened me”

~ Rumi

And again…

Accept my gratitude for the possibility to share, and for the precious and endless teachings that I receive from each and every one.

Thank you for reading my blog, and please, share it freely!

We are truly interconnected!

In Gratitude, Love, Health and Happiness,

IMG 3357 | Learn "The Language of Your Body"

“One person who has health may have one thousand dreams…
but take away her/his health & she/he has only one dream.”

~ Unknown

Disclaimer: Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this website. Information provided on this website and the use of any products or services purchased from our website by you does not create a practitioner-patient relationship between you and Dr Denise Rochon. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on this website is not intended to advise against any medical treatment, including, but not limited to medications, surgery and vaccinations.

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